Embark on a literary journey with us as the Immigrant Writers Association (IWA) invites you to contribute to our 6th anthology, “Old Roots, New Shoots.”
This collection seeks to weave the rich tapestry of immigrant experiences in Canada, celebrating the resilient spirit of those who have planted their roots on this welcoming soil.
Guiding Theme:
Explore the nuanced narratives of immigrants arriving in Canada, forging connections, facing challenges, and flourishing in adversity.
Let your words illuminate the journey of thriving, struggling, and choosing not to leave, as you share the profound stories that shape our diverse community.
What we’re looking for:
We welcome poems, short stories, or prose that resonate with the theme “Old Roots, New Shoots.” It can be in either English or French.
Delve into the emotional landscape of immigration, capturing the essence of settling in a new land and the growth that emerges from this unique experience.
Let your words become the seeds that sprout into stories, cultivating understanding and unity in our diverse community. Together, let’s celebrate the strength, resilience, and beauty of our collective immigrant experience.
In the garden of Canadian literature, your voice is a vibrant bloom.
You’ll find below more details, deadlines, and how to apply for this Call for Submissions.
Warm regards,
The IWA Team
“Old Roots, New Shoots” Call for Submission Details
- Overview and Deadlines
- What We Are Looking For
- IWA & Co-Author Agreement
- Ready to Join…
- Benefits of Becoming a Co-Author of the “Old Roots, New Shoots” Anthology
1. Overview and Deadlines
Although we consider previously published work, we encourage immigrant writers to submit a new and original work for IWA’s 2024 anthology project titled “Old Roots, New Shoots”. Similar to the previous five anthologies published by IWA, each chapter will be from a different co-author (written in their preferred genre).
- Download and review the IWA & Co-Author Agreement for information about eligibility, responsibilities, terms, and conditions.
- Confirm your interest in becoming a co-author of this anthology by sending your IWA & Co-Author Agreement (signed, your initials on each page) to projects@immigrantwriters.com by March 15, 2024.
You don’t need to have your chapter ready by that time. - Chapter submission deadline: One month from the day you sign your IWA & Co-Author agreement.
We suggest you finish writing it earlier, so you have time to self-review and self-edit your chapter before the deadline.
The image above is a draft book cover for the “Old Roots, New Shoots” anthology. The final cover will be designed after receiving and reviewing all the chapters – as we did with the previous annual anthologies written by IWA members: Building Bridges (2019), Grow Together (2020), Moving Forward (2021), Finding the Way (2022), and Reborn With Memories (2023).
2. What we’re looking for
- We welcome poems, short stories, or prose (fiction and non-fiction) that resonate with the theme “Old Roots, New Shoots.”
- It can be in either English or French.
Word Limit: In the spirit of brevity, limit your submission to 4,000 words. For poems: up to 15 pages.
Delve into the emotional landscape of immigration, capturing the essence of settling in a new land and the growth that emerges from this unique experience.
Let your words become the seeds that sprout into stories, cultivating understanding and unity in our diverse community. Together, let’s celebrate the strength, resilience, and beauty of our collective immigrant experience.
In the garden of Canadian literature, your voice is a vibrant bloom.
3. IWA & Co-Author Agreement
Download the agreement to understand the IWA and the Co-author responsibilities regarding the “Old Roots, New Shoots” anthology.
If you have questions or require further information, please contact us.
We accept the signed agreement only as PDF, JPG, or PNG files. Do not send it as a MS Word file.
4. Ready to Join as a Co-author of the “Old Roots, New Shoots” anthology project?
Here are the next steps:
A) If you have an IWA Class A Membership in good standing:
• Send your signed agreement to projects@immigrantwriters.com by March 15, 2024.
• Begin writing your chapter.
B) If your IWA Class A Membership has expired:
• Pay the renewal membership fee ($100) by March 20, 2024. Click here to renew.
• Send your signed agreement to projects@immigrantwriters.com by March 15, 2024.
• Begin writing your chapter.
C) If you have an IWA Class B Membership:
• Send your signed agreement to projects@immigrantwriters.com by March 15, 2024.
• Begin writing your chapter
• Upgrade to Class A Membership by March 20, 2024, to be considered for this anthology. Click here to pay the Class A membership.
D) Not an IWA Member but would like to submit a chapter to this anthology?
• Please fill out the Membership Application first – and pay Class A Membership fee.
• We’ll follow up with you for the next steps.
OPTIONS to send us the signed agreement (we accept it only in PDF format):
1) If you don’t have a scanner: Upload the agreement (PDF file) to PDF PRO > fill out the required details > sign the agreement online, add your initials on each page > save a copy of the final agreement > send it to us
2) If you have a printer: Print the file > add the required details > sign> initial all pages > take pictures with your phone of each page (make sure each image captures the full page) > send them to us.
5. Benefits of Becoming a Co-Author of the Anthology “Old Roots, New Shoots”
▶︎ ▶︎ Increase your visibility as a writer
As you’ll see in the image below, the IWA’s anthology lists the co-authors names on the Amazon Kindle book page, which automatically links to your own Amazon Author profile. This way, people can discover what other books you already wrote or when you’ll publish new books.
If you didn’t publish any book before, you’ll have the chance to create an Amazon Author profile and claim the IWA’s anthology as a book listed in your profile (since you’re a co-author).
Even if you didn’t contribute to the other IWA’s anthologies, people can discover your work. By reading any of the IWA’s previous anthologies and checking the IWA’s Amazon author profile, they can discover the “Old Roots, New Shoots” anthology… and your chapter!
New opportunities to get your name out as a writer. We promote the IWA’s anthology and the Class A members’ work via social media and other channels.
▶︎ ▶︎ Learn the steps required to (self-) publish and promote a book
Since IWA is committed to supporting its members in their writing journey, we’re transparent about every step we take to get this anthology to the publishing line and beyond.
There will be mentoring calls with the anthology co-authors. From our experience with the previous anthologies, the process might take longer than expected, and we want to make sure we help the “Old Roots, New Shoots” anthology cross the publishing line by the end of 2023.
▶︎ ▶︎ Leverage the power of being part of a group of like-minded people who understands your struggles, are willing to share what they learned, and support each other…
▶︎ ▶︎ Stay motivated and focused – Improve your writing and self-editing style
Over the years, IWA has identified that using an Accountability Buddy System in the anthology process helps the anthology contributors to stay focused and motivated during the writing process. Also, the feedback given to and received from their accountability buddy helps to improve their writing style, and open them up to new perspectives not envisioned before.
This is how your name will show on the Amazon book page:

Send us your signed agreement for “Old Roots, New Shoots” anthology by March 15 … or any questions to projects@immigrantwriters.com
Looking forward to unfolding this journey together!
IWA Anthology Team