Join us for a celebration of immigrant voices! You’re invited to attend the IWA’s 7th Annual General Meeting and the unveiling of our latest anthology written by members: Old Roots, New Shoots. This captivating collection of stories, poems, and essays
Call for Nominations for Board of Directors

On behalf of the Immigrant Writers of Association (IWA), we are delighted to extend an invitation to you to joinour Board of Directors in a volunteer capacity. What We DoThe Immigrant Writers Association (IWA) / Association des écrivains immigrants (AEI) is an incorporated non-profit organization that
Press Release: AGM and Finding The Way Book Launch
Download: Press Release (PDF or TXT file), Finding The Way anthology (image) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, TORONTO, September 22, 2022 Finding The Way: fourth anthology published by Immigrant Writers Association (IWA) Book launch (In person & virtual): October 25, 2022 Finding The Way—an uplifting
Press Release: AGM and Moving Forward Book Launch

Download: Press Release (PDF or TXT file), Moving Forward anthology (image) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, TORONTO, October 28, 2021 Moving Forward: third anthology published by the Immigrant Writers Association (IWA), a Canadian not-for-profit organization. Virtual book launch: November 12, 2021 Through

Join us online to celebrate the third Annual General Meeting of the Immigrant Writers Association (IWA/AEI) and the launch of its second anthology co-authored by its members! Written by Canadian immigrants during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Grow Together anthology will leave