Join us for a celebration of immigrant voices! You’re invited to attend the IWA’s 7th Annual General Meeting and the unveiling of our latest anthology written by members: Old Roots, New Shoots. This captivating collection of stories, poems, and essays
Café New Canadians Interviewed Four IWA Members (recording)

Source: New Canadians We need to hear more immigrant voices. Besides encapsulating their journeys, their stories offer also a broader perspective on immigration and its impact on the environment they now call home. On January 28 , 2021, the Café
12 Tasks for Book Launch Promotion

Claudiu Murgan, SF author and IWA member, is launching his third book Crystal Cloud on August 25, 7:00-8:00 PM EST. This will be an online book launch, and Claudiu puts a lot of effort into preparing and making it an informative
“Grow Together” Anthology: Call For Submissions

On March 21, during the online kick-off meeting, the Immigrant Writers Association (IWA) announced the Call for Submissions for our Second Anthology titled Grow Together. Please find more information below and reach out to Sidharth Iyer (Project Manager of Grow Together Anthology) if you have questions.
We’ll be at WOTS 2019
Are you coming on SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 to celebrate 30 years of THE WORDS ON THE STREET FESTIVAL in Toronto? We’ll be there at Booth #WB10, in Writers Block area (see map below) Ask us about our first anthology written
Book Launch: The Ecology of Story
Nina Munteanu, who generously offered IWA members a series of 10 workshops on writing and publishing, is launching a new book on July 4th and invites us all! Congrats, Nina! She covered a few aspects of her new book in
Used and Abused Words Part 1: Literally
Literal: Taking words in their usual or primary sense without metaphor or allegory; following the letter, text or exact word; so called without exaggeration. (Oxford Canadian Dictionary, Second Edition) Has anyone ever told you they were literally scared to death
Happy Writing Hour – a Gift to Yourself
IWA’s Happy Writing Hour is a project that started a couple of months ago when our introvert-in-charge, Gabriela Casineanu, shared a link about a similar activity somewhere south of the Canadian borders. I “stole like an artist” guided by the
Is it one word or two?
Watch out for these six words that have drastically different meanings when split in two. 1. Everyday vs every day Here’s an everyday word that I see used inappropriately every day. “Everyday” can refer to something that happens Monday to
How Canadian is your English?
Grammar, eh?! is a new IWA initiative meant to help writers improve their knowledge of English and English grammar. We aim to publish biweekly an article on this topic, written by the IWA member Christina Friend, who is a writer, editor and