SERVICES offered by IWA
➤ Workshops | Webinars | Presentations
Topic examples:
➤ Writing
➤ Publishing
➤ Author’s Journey | Building a Readership
➤ Author and Book Promotion
➤ Immigrant Writers in the Canadian Literature
➤ Storytelling
➤ Author readings
➤ If you’d like to invite an IWA member to do a reading or speak at your event, send us a message. Specify what genre you prefer: Fiction • Creative Nonfiction • Poetry
➤ Author talks by published immigrant writers
➤ Consulting for anthology projects

Some of the IWA members* offer the following services for writers and organizations.
If interested in any of these services, please contact directly the specific IWA member for details. You can ask for the discount if you too are an IWA member.
The list below is not intended as an endorsement or a warranty as to the quality of the service provided by the specific IWA member.
➤ Author & Book Marketing
➤ Emanuel Petrescu | | Digital Marketing
➤ Gabriela Casineanu |
➤ Translation | Editing
➤ Raphael Sóne | | English – Spanish Translation
➤ Graphic Design | Book Design (cover, interior) | Video Services
➤ Gerard Keledjian | New Horizons Media
➤ Self-Publishing
➤ Gabriela Casineanu |
➤ Tech for Authors (newsletter, website, social media, Amazon ads)
➤ Gabriela Casineanu |
➤ Grant Writing
➤ Yannis Lobaina |
➤ Workshop Facilitation
➤ Yannis Lobaina | Bilingual ( Spanish- English) Creative writing and storytelling workshops for children and adults
*One of the benefits offered by IWA to Class A membership: to list on this website the services they provide to other writers or organizations (if any).